
Friday 31 May 2013

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a process in which electric currents are passed through the mind, intentionally leading to a brief seizure. ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly conflict signs of certain psychological diseases. It often works when other therapies get failed.
ECT is generally used when serious depressive disorders are less competent to other types of treatment. Or it might be used when sufferers cause a serious risk to themselves or others and it is too risky to handle until the medicines have an impact. 
How ECT Performs:
Before ECT therapy, a patient is given a muscular relaxant and is put to rest with a common anesthesia. Electrodes are placed on the individual's scalp and a perfectly managed electric current is used. This current causes a brief seizure in the mind.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS):

While ECT uses electricity to generate seizure, TMS creates a magnetic field to generate less amounts of electricity in a specific part of the brain without causing seizure or loss of awareness.  The current is provided by electromagnetic coils that provides the impulse through the forehead.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS):
Vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) system is for adult sufferers with long-term or repeated depressive disorders. This works as a small stimulator, which is inserted into the skin of the collarbone and operates under the epidermis to the vagus sensors in the throat. VNS produces electrical impulses to stimulate the mind.
Alternative therapies can sometimes provide comfort, that cannot be provided by conventional western medicine cannot. While some alternative therapies have become approved as a part of recent medical care exercises, others still have not been confirmed as safe or effective. Independent of the technical confirmation, alternative therapies, by offering different types of joy and comfort from stress, they may have a place in the treatment, general health and well-being.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Long term memory Loss

Long term memory loss could occur, when you are not able to remember the name or face of the person whom you are meeting for a second time. Long-term memories are established when short-term memories or non-permanent memories are combined in the hippocampus, which is a brain framework in the inside temporary lobe. Once the memories are combined, they are available separate from the hippocampus in the neocortex, where they can be recovered. When an individual has long-term memory loss, he has problems remembering saved memories, not creating new memories.
long term memory loss
Causes of long term memory loss:
·         Injury:
If there is ever a brain injury that has occurred to the mind, this could lead to long term memory loss in the future. This can cause a lot of problems and discrepancy in the personal life. Long term memory loss can affect the way the world is considered by most of us.
·         Alcoholism:
The long term memory storage of different information and numbers can be impacted due to extended intake of liquor. So, this should be provided as a caution for those who are under the impact of liquor and should start preventing before it’s too late.
·         Aging:
Age factor has a major part to play in long term memory loss, owing to the deterioration in the functioning of the storage cells.
·         Neurodegenerative Disease:
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are mainly considered to be the key cause of the short term memory loss. These illnesses have a direct effect on the brain and also an under effective thyroid present in the thyroid gland could lead to inadequate release of the testosterone and perhaps resulting in the same disease.
·         Stress:
Regular pressure and stress is also one of the key resulting in the disease which could have a terrible impact on a person living. So there should not be any stress and pressure set out in the mind. Some of the people have short term memory loss.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Various types of Hair Loss

There are different types of hair loss, they are:
1) Androgenetic Alopecia:
Androgenetic Alopecia is one of the causes of hair loss in both males and females. Mostly this is known as male or female pattern baldness and this kind of hair loss occurs due to dihydrotestosterone, which attacks the follicles of hair, that leads to hair loss.
2) Alopecia Areata:
Alopecia Areata is another kind of hair loss that involves the shedding of hair in small patches on the scalp or other parts of the body. This form of alopecia is thought to be caused when the immune system strikes the hair follicles. Actually, we do not know why the immune system strikes the hair follicles in this way but it could be triggered by stress.
Alopecia areata normally results in small sections of hair falling, which may not re-grow for some months. Sometimes the hair does not come back with the same pigments. It is not uncommon for the hair to come back. In unusual situations, the alopecia impacts on the whole of the scalp. In some situations, people who have this type of hair loss will not have re-growth of hair due to a genealogy of alopecia areata or the person has an auto-immune disorder.These problems can be overcome through hair transplantation.
Hair Loss
   3) Traction Alopecia:
Traction alopecia happens when extreme stress is put on the hair shafts, usually through tying or braiding. Extended traction of the hair can lead to long lasting damage, with the hair declining to re-grow.
    4) Telogen Effluvium:
Telogen effluvium explains about the short-term loss of the hair on the scalp. It is not known what causes Telogen effluvium but it is probably brought on by more hairs being in the losing aspect of the pattern than the increasing pattern. Telogen effluvium is therefore short-term, as the hairs will normally re-grow.

5)      Alopecia Totalis:
Alopecia Totalis is seen when an individual loses all the hair on his or her head. It is not obvious what causes this but it is believed that it could be activated by an auto-immune problem or pressure. 

Monday 27 May 2013

Different Types of Blood Cancer

Blood cancer is a cancer which strikes the blood and bone marrow. There are mainly three types of blood cancer: leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. These malignancies have different prognosis, based on the patient and the details of his condition.
1) Leukemia: The leukemia disease is cancer of the blood vessels or bone marrow. A person who has leukemia suffers from an abnormal production of blood vessel tissues, generally leukocytes which are nothing but white blood cells.
Types of Leukemia:
·         Chronic and Acute:
The leukemia is divided into four categories, each of which can be acute, a quickly advancing illness that results in the buildup of premature, ineffective tissues in the marrow and blood vessels, or Chronic, which advances more gradually and allows older, useful tissues to be made.
·         Lymphocytic and Myelogenous:
If the cancer transformation happens in the bone marrow that makes lymphocytes, the illness is known as lymphocytic leukemia. A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell within the vertebrae immune system. If the cancer alteration occurs in the category of marrow tissues that go on to produce red blood cells, other types of white cells, and platelets, the illness is known as myelogenous leukemia.
blood cancer
2) Lymphoma:
Lymphoma is a cancer that starts in the lymphocytes of the immune system and provides as a solid tumor of lymphoid tissues. It is treatable with radiation treatment, in some situations radiotherapy and bone marrow transplant can be used. It can be treatable, based on the histology, kind, and level of the illness. These malignant cells often develop in lymph nodes, introducing as an augmentation of the node.
3) Multiple myeloma:
Multiple myeloma is also a category of blood cancer which produces in the bone marrow with the most action area of the shoulders and hips. Many of the blood cells produced in bone marrow, myeloma impacts plasma cells, and tissues that help to fight against the disease. 
These all are cancer types and there are many cancer treatments which is important for every patient.

Friday 24 May 2013

Treatment for Lupus

An overview on Lupus
Lupus, also known as autoimmune disease, is one of the numerous disorders of the immune system. The Lupus disease, the immune system goes dysfunctional and affects other parts of the body it is supposed to safeguard.  This results in inflammation and causes damage to the entire body tissues. Further, it will have a resultant effect on different parts of the body, including skin, kidneys and the joints, lungs, heart and brain, blood vessels.
The treatment for Lupus is dependent on the signs and symptoms exhibited by the patient. The following medicines yield positive results in containing Lupus:
·      Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs:
      Over-the-counter drugs, such as Naproxen and Ibuprofen, may be an effective medicine that helps in reducing pain, swelling and high temperature associated with lupus. On the flip side of it, the patient has to be prepared to face side effects, such as blood loss in abdomen, kidney complications and an improved risk of heart problems.
·         Antimalarial drugs:
Medicines widely used to cure malaria, such as hydroxychloroquine, also can help combat this disease.  However, this drug has to be taken in blend with other medicines to give positive results. The possible side effects of the consumption of this medicine are – abdomen disappointed and, very hardly ever, harm to the retina of the eye.
·         Oral Corticosteroids:
In most cases, this medicine is the preferred choice of many people as it can negate the inflammation of lupus and its symptoms.  However, this medicine produces long-term side effects like excess weight, easy discoloration and thinning bones, hypertension, diabetes and increased chance of infection.
·         Immunosuppressive agents:
These drugs restrain the activity of the immune system and are used to may be helpful in serious cases of lupus.
For instance, these agents may be administered to stop the body for generating an immune response to the transplantation of an organ or to deal with a lupus disease that surfaces by an overactive immune system, such as rheumatoid arthritis.  It triggers side effects such as infection, liver damage and reduced fertility, cancer.

Different types of Phobia

For over five years, The OMICS Publishing Group has been engaged in the task of soliciting articles from scientists, professors and research scholars who are famed in different fields of science.  There is absolutely no need for the online users to register with the OMICS Group as all the scientific literature is provided at free of cost. All the articles that are received from individuals are thoroughly scrutinized by our editorial team members before publishing them online.
Phobia is a kind of medical situation in which an individual is scared of a particular object, situation or activity. The individual who is affected with phobia suffers from abnormal mental stress that leads to interference in their routine functions.  
Usually, simple phobias set in during the childhood stage of an individual and disappear when the individual is in late teens. Whereas Complex phobias tend to surface at a later period in the life of a person.  Potentially, a phobia is a more complicated issue than a simple fear.  It is the most prevalent mental disorder in the US.  
Types of Phobia
Types of Phobia
Essentially, there are three types of Phobia, namely:
Social phobia:
Social Phobia, in alternative terms, is known as social anxiety disorder. Persons with this type of disorder develop aversion to criticism, negative evaluation and rejection. Being grappled with social phobia, people tend to avoid taking part in social gatherings.  
A person who is plagued with agoraphobia is terrified of being trapped in an unavoidable situation. Resultantly, people are dreaded to travelling in buses, trains and avoid going to crowded places, such as shopping malls. In serious cases, the fear may be intensified so much so that the individual will not venture out of the house at all.
Specific phobia:
A specific phobia is an unreasonable fear of a facing a particular object or situation. Subsequently, the sufferer tends to avoid the objects in all situations. The individual develops fear of flying, fear of enclosed spaces and fear of heights, fear of animals like snakes, spiders and rodents.
Treatment for Phobia
Self-help strategies and therapy can yield positive results in dealing with phobia. There are a number of therapy techniques to treat phobias. The potency of a therapy depends on the person and the kind of phobia. Below-mentioned are just some of the available phobia treatments:
In Exposure therapy, the person is exposed to the fear object in order to help him/her overcome fear factor.
Another kind of therapy is flooding, in which the person is made to face the fear object for a considerable time blocking the opportunity to escape from the situation. The goal of this technique is to help the person experience fear and realize that the fear object will not cause him harm at all.
Counter-conditioning technique is one such effective technique and using this technique, the person is taught the ways of overcoming feelings like disgust and fear. This technique equally works to the advantage of people who are fearful of facing animals. 

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Different Types of Liver Diseases

OMICS Publishing Group works with a single mission of serving the interests of scientific community and towards this objective, the OMICS Group strives to enhance the visibility of faculty, scientists and professors who contribute in the form of articles thereby advancing the mission of OMICS Publishing Group. Also, the OMICS Group gives barrier-free access to the scientific literature for the benefit of researchers who pursue research in different spheres. OMICS Publishing Group takes great care in ensuring that the submitted work is evaluated by its editorial panel thereby providing supremely qualitative articles. OMICS Publishing Group is publishing an Open access journal regards Liver titled as “The Journal of Liver”.
An overview on Liver: 
Liver is the most important organ of the body and it is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. In adults, liver’s size is like that of the football’s and weights about three pounds.  Many organs are beneath the portion of the rib cage.
liver diseases
How vital is Liver?
Liver is crucial for preserving important substances like vitamins and minerals. It is a crucial component of metabolism just as the heart to the circulation of blood. Liver plays a vital role in almost every part of the body’s processes.  A dysfunctional liver creates a negative impact on the immune system of the body and the energy levels, in addition to causing disruption in the functions of kidney and brain, leading to the reduced lifespan of the individual.
The functional aspect of Liver:
Liver serves different functions and acts as filler in fighting infection and clearing the impurities, toxins that get concentrated in the blood. It aids in digestion of food and preserves energy for individuals when they require it. Also, it keeps the chemical levels in the body at a moderate level.
It is strategic from the perspective of producing different substances in the body such as:
•Bile, which is a fluid and it is stored in the gallbladder which in turn is necessary for storing vitamins and nutrients.
•Blood-clotting aspects that facilitate in healing woods
•Proteins (Building blocks for growth)
Types of Liver disease:
The liver disease is surfaced due to one of the following factors:
Viral Hepatitis:
Hepatitis B and C arise out of viruses that result in liver scarring. Since both these are silent viruses the symptoms do not get noticed for many years. Subsequently, the patient develops many complications such as bleeding, liver failure leading to the ultimate death.
Autoimmune liver disease:
Disorderly immune system paves the way for autoimmune diseases. An impaired immune system may have impact on the liver or bile ducts leading to inflammation and scarring that in turn result in the advanced stage of liver ailment. A faulty immune system results in three types of liver diseases, such as primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and autoimmune hepatitis. Over consumption of alcohol arises Alcoholic liver disease which causes serious liver diseases.

Friday 17 May 2013

Different types of Virus

OMICS Publishing Group is a major international open access journal that is aimed at disseminating knowledge in the area of sciences. In order to encourage research development in the field of Sciences.  OMICS Group invites articles from authors, scientists, research scholars and professors who are professed in their disciplines and makes the scientific literature available online at free of cost.  We have an eminent editorial panel that evaluates the manuscripts submitted by the scholarly community.  This post provides information about an overview on virus, causes of virus and types of viruses.

An overview on Virus

A Virus is a single-celled tiny organism that triggers infection in the body. Virus is born out of the genetic substances, such as DNA or RNA. Basically, it thrives on destroying other cells in the body thereby forcing the cells to develop duplicates of them.

Viruses are capable of affecting any part of the human body and can trigger infections, such as flu, cold and gastroenteritis, chicken pox etc., Respiratory tract is the most common form of viral infection that affects an individual. Besides, it infects all forms of organism ranging from animals to plants and bacteria, archaea.
A virus is incompetent to perform independent metabolic activity and replication.  The intensification of virus impedes the attacked cell’s internal mechanism. Usually, it terminates and discharges the viruses in the bloodstream. Since Antibiotics are incapable to arrest viruses, a special type of developed drug, known as vaccine will help in combating the virus.
Out of nearly 5000 known species of viruses, more than 200 have been recognized as disease causing in humans.
Types of virus

Causes of Virus:

Viruses can spread in many ways, such as:
·         Coming into contact with an infected individual.
·         Swallowing, inhalation of contaminated food and liquid.
·         Practicing in unsafe sex.
Apart from the above, other factors such as eating habits and poor hygienic environment contribute to the risk of contracting virus.




Types of Virus:

·         Common cold is a recurrently occurring viral infection and it takes the shape of flu, cold and gastroenteritis etc.,
·         Influenza, also known as flu, is a respiratory infection evolved out of virus. The affected individual develops symptoms such as fever, body chills and headache etc. In contrast to other viral respiratory infections. The viruses of flu and cold are prone to transmit to people at public places.
·         The Gastrointestinal system virus leads to varied symptoms such as diarrhea, fear and vomiting, abdominal pain. Stomach viruses tend to transmit through infected food or water and can cause viral gastroenteritis. Also, hand washing done in an improper way following a bowel movement, or handling a nappy can result in spreading the disease from person to person.

·         Chicken pox or the Common Whart is yet another kind of infectious ailment that occurs in children under the age of 15. In some cases, older people also susceptible to it.  It gets transmitted quickly through human contact. The affected individual exhibits symptoms, such as headache, fiver and itchy rash. It takes 5 to 11 days to get out of this infection. In most of the cases, the virus will not return to haunt the individual.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Overview of DNA Testing

OMICS Group is involved in a pious exercise and keeps its online readers stay abreast of the latest developments in the scientific field by way of providing scientific literature at free of cost. OMICS Publishing Group has a vast editorial board that is studded with stalwarts from different arenas of science and this board goes through every article contributed by scientists, professors and research scholars, post-doctoral fellows.
DNA Testing:
DNA is the most effective technological tool that is available for recognition in forensic investigations. It is known as “fingerprint” since it is highly unlikely that any two individuals have similar DNA characteristics.  Owing to its capability to link physical proof discovered at a criminal activity to an individual, it is often termed as a “digital fingerprint.” This method has the capability to produce 100 % accurate results. Unlike in fingerprints, DNA prevails in every cell of the body system, from hair and blood stream to skin and tears, and can be deposited while engaging in a criminal activity.
DNA Testing
DNA Testing is of two types: 
Paternity Testing: 
It is a significant methodology that is used to determine the blood relationships.  This method is highly useful in establishing the disputed cases of paternity biologically (covering both father and mother) of a child. This testing is carried out on the basis of PCR Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism and PCR Polymerase chain reaction.
Twin Testing:
With one in every sixty births leading to the delivery of twins, twin testing has assumed importance.   Twins are either dizygotic (called as fraternal) or monozygotic (called as identical). Dizygotic twins are caused by two different eggs being fertilized by two individual sperms and result in two absolutely unique and individual child births in the uterus at the same time. Monozygotic twins are caused by one egg fertilized by a single sperm.
In a majority of instances, parents are provided with incorrect information during the period of their twin birth on the basis of imperfect information or incorrect evaluation of the placenta. Unless the twins are of different genders or inside a single amniotic sac, analyzing the babies or the placenta with the naked eye will not yield beneficial results.

Monday 13 May 2013

Geo Informatics & Geo Statistics

Science blog of OMICS Publishing Group has published different titles on Geo Informatics & Geo Statistics. This article provides information about Geoinformatics, Geo statistics and some more insights.
Geoinformatics is a science which produces and uses information science facilities to deal with the issues of geosciences and relevant divisions. Geoinformatics brings together geospatial analysis and modeling, development of geospatial directories, information systems design, human-computer connections and both wired and wireless social media technology. Geoinformatics uses geocomputation and geovisualization for examining geoinformation.
Geo Informatics & Geo Statistics
Geostatistics is a division of statistics concentrating on spatial or spatiotemporal datasets. It is developed initially to estimate possibility distributions of ore qualities for mining operations, it is currently used in different professions such as petroleum geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, geochemistry, geometallurgy, forestry, ecological control, scenery ecosystem, and farming .Geostatistics is used in different divisions of location, particularly those relating to the propagation of diseases, the practice of business and army planning and the development of efficient spatial systems. Geostatistical methods are integrated in many places, such as geographic information systems. OMICS Publishing Group published an interesting post on geographic information systems.
Geostatistics provides two essential efforts to ecological toxic visibility assessment: a) a number of techniques to quantitatively explain the spatial submission of a pollutant and b) the capability to enhance estimates of the visibility point focus by taking advantage of the geospatial information existing in the information. The second participation is particularly useful when exposure estimates must be resulting from small information sets, which is often the case in ecological risk evaluation.
Number of fields will be benefited from Geoinformatics which includes urban planning and land use management, in-car systems, public health, regional and nationwide gazetteer management, control, farming, meteorology and global warming, criminology and criminal activity simulator, aircraft and historic transportation. The importance of the spatial dimension in evaluating, monitoring and acting various issues and problems related to sustainable control of natural resources is recognized all over the world. Geoinformatics becomes very important technological innovation to decision-makers across a variety of disciplines, commercial sector, ecological organizations, regional and nationwide government, research, and universities, nationwide survey and International organizations, United Nations, emergency services and epidemiology, criminal activity, transportation and infrastructure, technological innovation sectors, GIS consulting firms, ecological control agencies, tourist industry, power companies, mineral exploration, etc.

Friday 10 May 2013

Open Invitation to all Scientific Community for Guest Blogging

Science, an offshoot of OMICS Publishing Group, has been steadfastly devoted to the task of infusing knowledge into the minds of humankind through community-compiled articles on a wide range of scientific topics. We call upon the authoring community in joining our mission in unfolding the mystery of science facts through your manuscripts and we promise to strengthen your reputation in the world of sciences through hosting your talent.
Guest Blogging For Scientific Community

Causes of Allergic Reactions

With the active involvement of scientists, researchers, OMICS Publishing Group comes out with new approaches in research areas that undergo rapid scientific change.
OMICS Publishing Group works with a unique mission of making scientific journals at free of cost. Information pertaining to various branches of science can be viewed online without any barriers.
At OMICS, the open access journals are peer-reviewed by scholars from varied disciplines. In order to recognize the talent of scientists, OMICS Group has instituted a reward program that gives scientific credits to the noted scientists. OMICS Group strives to ensure that research done on ‘Allergy’ is genuine and well-informative.
The journal of Allergy:
OMICS Group published journal on Allergy. This article deals with the Allergic Reaction Causes and its treatment.
About Allergic effect:
Allergic effect is the response of the body’s immune system to a generally risk-free substance, such as plant pollen, food, or house dust mite. The body has an automatic effect on what it recognizes as a risk.  In a majority of sections, these substances do not cause any kind of difficulty; in those with allergic reactions the immune system recognizes them as a risk area and generates improper response to them. We can classify types of allergies into 7 categories.
Allergic Reaction
Allergic Reaction Causes:
•The body's immune system includes the white blood cells, which in turn generate antibodies.
•When the body gets exposed to an antigen, a complicated set of effects starts.
•The white blood cells generate an antibody specific to that antigen. This is known as "sensitization."
•Antibodies promote the production and release of substances and chemicals addressed as "mediators."
•Mediators have impact on local organs and tissues and body parts moreover to initiating more white blood cell defenders. It is these effects that trigger the signs of reaction.
•Histamine is one of the better-known mediators created by the body.
•If the discharge of the mediators is abrupt or extensive, the allergic reaction may also be unexpected and serious, and anaphylaxis may happen.
Allergic Reaction Treatment:
Self-care at house is not enough in serious implications. A serious response is a healthcare crisis.
•Do not make an effort to cure or "wait out" serious responses at the living place. Pay an immediate visit to a nearby healthcare center.
•For skin rashes or skin problems, an anti-inflammatory anabolic steroid lotion such as hydrocortisone can be used.
In addition to the above, there are lots of Allergies such as dust allergy, food allergy etc.  For every kind of allergy there is a methodology of treatment. However, do consult the doctor in the initial stage itself before it acquires dangerous proportions. In medical blog, OMICS Publishing Group posted a post on How to treat allergies.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Overview of Anemia

At OMICS, the journals are peer-reviewed by eminent professors from varied disciplines. We make every effort to ensure that research done on ‘Anemia’ is genuine and well-informative. Also, OMICS Group has instituted a reward program that gives scientific credits to the noted scientists.
Occurrence of Anemia
Anaemia is a situation that occurs when the blood vessels in an individual contain inadequate healthy red blood tissues. These tissues are the main transporters of oxygen to the body parts in our body. The immediate sign of Anemia is fatigue which happens since the individual’s body parts receive inadequate levels of oxygen.
Mostly, people with chronic diseases are prone to Anemia. Some of the important factors that influence Anemia are:
·         Certain types of anaemia are genetic and babies may be affected from the time of birth.
·         Due to blood loss at menstruation, women are vulnerable to a form of anaemia called iron-deficiency anaemia and during pregnancy it increases the blood supply.
·         Poor diet and other medical conditions trigger Anemia in aged people.
Through bleeding there is a loss of Red blood cells which can happen gradually over some time, and can often go undetected. This type of chronic bleeding leads to:
·         Digestive conditions like ulcers, hemorrhoids and intestinal cancer.
·         Periods and giving birth in women, especially, if menstruation blood loss is extreme and if there are several pregnancies.
Anaemia caused by faulty red blood cell production:
When the body produces a few blood tissues then in such a condition the body may not function effectively. Due to the presence of  irregular red blood cells,  the Red blood cells may be faulty and the vitamins which are required for red blood cells to work effectively.
Iron deficiency anaemia:
Due to lack of mineral iron in the body, the Iron deficiency anaemia occurs. Bone marrow which is found in the middle of long bones in the body needs iron for making the hemoglobin and the red blood cells transport oxygen to the organs of the body. Hemoglobin cannot be produced without adequate level of iron for red blood cells which leads to iron deficiency anaemia.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Clinical & Experimental Dermatology

Clinical Dermatology
OMICS is engaged in publishing original scientific papers, review articles contributed by scientists, research scholars in different branches of medicine. OMICS-compiled journals are evaluated by an international editorial board that acts as a global medium of communication. The latest article touches upon new developments and directions in dermatological research.
An Introduction to Clinical & Experimental Dermatology:
Both Clinical and Experimental Dermatology are the beginning point and core of dermatology. They form the basis for scientific advancement and act as the conduit between different scientific disciplines and applied practical dermatology.
Clinical Dermatology:
What is Clinical Dermatology?
Clinical Dermatology is one of specialized branches of medicine that is concerned with the evaluation and treatment of a whole range of diseases and conditions pertaining to the skin, hair and nails. Essentially, it stresses on the development, elevation and appearance of skin, hair and nails cosmetically, artistically and aesthetically.
The patient can choose from the following kinds of sub specialty treatments depending on his/her medical needs:
Hair Loss
Skin Infections
Skin Rashes
Skin Cancer
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema
Pediatric Dermatology
Skin Infection
What are the procedures involved in Clinical Dermatology?
The following kinds of procedures are involved in clinical dermatology:
Botulinum toxin injections
Superficial chemical peels
What is the methodology followed in Experimental Dermatology:
Under this methodology, Dermal is a specialty filling procedures are done for rectifying rhytids, wrinkles and lipodystrophy, scars.
In effect, pigs’ feet are made use of while performing surgical corrections like ear correction, excision and suture, flaps and grafts.
Dermal procedure is perceived to be the second most established procedure in dermatology.

What are the side-effects that fall out of Experimental Dermatology?
The introduction of dermal feeling leads to different complications such hypo and hyper corrections, nodule formation in view of the injection of large quantity of product and loss of material arising out of failure to couple the needle to the syringe.