
Friday 24 May 2013

Different types of Phobia

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Phobia is a kind of medical situation in which an individual is scared of a particular object, situation or activity. The individual who is affected with phobia suffers from abnormal mental stress that leads to interference in their routine functions.  
Usually, simple phobias set in during the childhood stage of an individual and disappear when the individual is in late teens. Whereas Complex phobias tend to surface at a later period in the life of a person.  Potentially, a phobia is a more complicated issue than a simple fear.  It is the most prevalent mental disorder in the US.  
Types of Phobia
Types of Phobia
Essentially, there are three types of Phobia, namely:
Social phobia:
Social Phobia, in alternative terms, is known as social anxiety disorder. Persons with this type of disorder develop aversion to criticism, negative evaluation and rejection. Being grappled with social phobia, people tend to avoid taking part in social gatherings.  
A person who is plagued with agoraphobia is terrified of being trapped in an unavoidable situation. Resultantly, people are dreaded to travelling in buses, trains and avoid going to crowded places, such as shopping malls. In serious cases, the fear may be intensified so much so that the individual will not venture out of the house at all.
Specific phobia:
A specific phobia is an unreasonable fear of a facing a particular object or situation. Subsequently, the sufferer tends to avoid the objects in all situations. The individual develops fear of flying, fear of enclosed spaces and fear of heights, fear of animals like snakes, spiders and rodents.
Treatment for Phobia
Self-help strategies and therapy can yield positive results in dealing with phobia. There are a number of therapy techniques to treat phobias. The potency of a therapy depends on the person and the kind of phobia. Below-mentioned are just some of the available phobia treatments:
In Exposure therapy, the person is exposed to the fear object in order to help him/her overcome fear factor.
Another kind of therapy is flooding, in which the person is made to face the fear object for a considerable time blocking the opportunity to escape from the situation. The goal of this technique is to help the person experience fear and realize that the fear object will not cause him harm at all.
Counter-conditioning technique is one such effective technique and using this technique, the person is taught the ways of overcoming feelings like disgust and fear. This technique equally works to the advantage of people who are fearful of facing animals.