
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Overview of Preeclampsia

OMICS Publishing Group conducts scientific conferences across the world of these health issues which is very useful to everyone.
Preeclampsia is one of the most common effects which occur during pregnancy. It usually develops during the third trimester which affects the pregnancies. The woman in first pregnancy is having high chance of preeclampsia as do patients who are with diabetes and the mothers having the pregnancy with twin babies.
Symptoms of Preeclampsia:
•Hypertension which is nothing but high blood pressure and proteinuria which is nothing but protein in urine.
•Blurred eyesight, sometimes seeing blinking lights
•Pain below the ribs
•Excess bodyweight which is caused by edema.

Risks factors of Preeclampsia:
 Some of the risk factors include:
First pregnancies: The possibilities of preeclampsia throughout the first pregnancy are considerably greater than the subsequent ones.
Pregnancy gap: When the second pregnancy happens at least after ten years, that second pregnancy has higher chance of preeclampsia.
Family history:  There is a chance of getting preeclampsia if the mother or sister had preeclampsia.
Age: When compared with other teenagers, the woman above the age of 40 have the chance of getting preeclampsia.
Certain conditions and illnesses: Women with diabetic issues, high blood pressure, migraine, headache and kidney disease are more likely to develop preeclampsia.
Obesity: People who are suffering with obesity have a chance of getting preeclampsia.
Multiple pregnancies: There is a chance of getting preeclampsia, when we except more than one baby.
Complications of preeclampsia:
 HELLP Syndrome: HELLP stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelet count. For mother and child, it becomes life-threatening disease. After giving birth, this is a combined liver and blood clotting disorder, which appears after twentieth week of pregnancy. For effective treatment of HELLP syndrome, deliver the baby as soon as possible.
Poor blood flow to the placenta:
If blood circulation to the placenta is limited, the baby might not be getting necessary fresh air and nutritional values, which may lead to slow development, breathing difficulties and premature birth.